You are using Google Classroom in your homeschool now. You see just how easy it can be to plan your lessons online and give your kids the independence to learn at their pace. But how about we make it even easier with these Chrome extensions for Google Classroom planning.

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Chrome Extensions for Google Classroom Planning
These Chrome extensions that help with school planning are going to save you a lot of time. Not just with your everyday things in your homeschool, but in making planning and laying everything out easier.
I am now using the free version of Grammarly. great for students and teachers. You can use it almost everywhere online that you type. This isn’t necessarily planning related but great for making sure you aren’t making mistakes with spelling and grammar in your classes for your kids to see.
Once you add the Edpuzzle Chrome extension, you will see a small button right below every YouTube video you watch. After you click on it, you can easily trim the video to pick only the best parts and use it in your lectures or assignments.
Google Keep works like a digital set of sticky notes, which you can use to store information from a variety of sources and organize in a way that is most helpful for you. With this extension, you can save important websites, images, and quotes and add notes that you can reference later.
These are a lifesaver as I hop from website to website looking for great additional resources to add to a classroom. Because you know that I find great resources for a different class as I look.
I love using Pocket, not just for planning, but for reading articles from websites later on. I use Pocket to save pieces I want to read for lessons but don’t have the time when I first find them.
Find a good/great article for your kids to read? Grab the article link from your Pocket and link to it in a classroom assignment.

What could you do with your time once you have your lessons planned? I am trying to work smarter not harder in all things including homeschool lesson planning. Using Google Classroom in our homeschool makes this possible especially when using these Google Classroom planning Chrome extensions.
I put together this FAQ for Google Classroom to hopefully help you figure everything out when it comes to using Google Classroom in your homeschool.
More Information and Tips on Google Classroom
5 Beginner Tips for Google Classroom
How to Set up Google Classroom for Homeschool – Step by step setting up Google Classroom for Homeschool
Chrome Extensions for Google Classroom Planning
Alternate Sites to Google Classroom