Homeschool Block Schedule or Loop Schedule

How do you schedule homeschool lessons? What kind of scheduling do you use on a typical homeschool day? We are loop schedulers right now. It changes all the time like everything else in life. For a long time we used a homeschool block schedule and it worked great for us in that time, and we’ll probably move back to it again at some point as my kids get older.

homeschool Block Schedule or Loop Schedule

Loop Schedule or Block Schedule for Homeschooling

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Homeschool scheduling can be hard to wrap your head around especially if you are new to homeschooling or if you have been using a boxed curriculum that was planned for you. It can be a challenge to create your own schedule, but you can do it, let’s get started on a few different ways you can schedule your days.

What is homeschool loop schedule?

A loop schedule is a list of tasks, or in this case school subjects, that you want to cover. on the other hand, is a way for you to reduce the stress in your homeschool that comes from skipping or missing subjects because they are assigned to specific days.

When we started using a loop schedule in our homeschool we kind of fell into it. With life changes, I needed a way to make sure I was covering what was important to us. I wanted a way to cover all the topics/subjects and make sure nothing was getting let out with the craziness that life can be.

What is a homeschool block Schedule?

Block scheduling is used to organize your homeschool subjects in a way so you are doing fewer subjects at any given time. This allows you to focus deeper on fewer things throughout the day.

This is probably my preferred way to do school. We’ll definitely be returning to this method in the coming month as things in life change again.

Which schedule for homeschooling is right for you?

Look at your typical homeschool day, do you already have a method that is working? Don’t mess with it, go with it. You might already be using the loop schedule or block schedule and not realize it had a name.

If things aren’t working right now then maybe it is time to look at one of these and think about whether or not trying one of these types of scheduling could make a difference.

I still use my Happy Planner to keep track of what we are working on, what we have completed or worked on in each subject. This helps to make sure that we are forgetting a subject in our loop.

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