Homeschooling After A Holiday Break

Homeschooling after a holiday break can take some work. Getting back into the swing of things after taking any amount of time off from homeschooling can be hard. Getting your homeschool back on track is never easy. There will likely be days where you get one lesson done and give up on the rest.

Homeschooling After A Holiday Break
Homeschooling After A Break
Homeschooling After A Holiday Break

Homeschooling After A Holiday Break

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Start with Fun

Start off slow, with some fun “school” activities. For us that tends to mean using the computer some. Reading Eggs for all three of them, they love the games and I love that they are learning. It’s a great way to ease into spelling, into language arts, and into a bit of a routine for getting back into the swing of school.

Plan Ahead

If you’re running around trying to get everything together as your kids sit down that morning, then you’ll be off to a rough start and end up getting nothing done. When you get your homeschool back on track, you are going to want to know exactly where your books and pencils are and what lessons you need to cover each day, believe me, I have been on both sides of it. I love scheduling, in pencil, a week or two in advance in my Happy Planner.

Start Slow

On your first day “back to school” don’t plan on a full work load. Start light, with a maximum of half a normal day. Maybe some reading, writing, and math. Instead of digging into your science text, watch some Magic School Bus or get hands on with a science experiment.

When getting back into a school routine after a holiday break there may be a day where you watch a Magic School Bus marathon and call it a “school day”. Give yourself, and your kids some grace after holidays.

How do you ease back into homeschooling after a holiday break?