How to Save Money on Homeschool Curriculum

It takes no time at all for the costs of homeschooling to add up. And the cost just adds up with the more children you have. No matter how many kids you might homeschool or how much money you might spend on curriculum, there are plenty of ways to save money on homeschool curriculum.


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How to Save Money on Homeschool Curriculum

Buy Used

This is one of the easiest ways to reduce your children’s curriculum costs. There are quite a few places on the Internet where you can buy and sell used homeschool curricula. Consult with nearby homeschool associations to find opportunities for these sorts of events.

Use the Library

A library is a valuable resource to which homeschooling parents can turn. I don’t know what I would do without my local library!

I cannot imagine how much money I would waste on purchasing too many books! Not only can you gain access to literature and resources for homeschooling, but you can also find items that can be used in the actual curriculum.

Reuse Curriculum

Reuse curriculum from child to child. This won’t always work if your children have very different learning styles, but it’s always good to start with what you already have to see if it works.

It helps to either use a curriculum that you can photocopy the pages of the worksheets, or you can print off multiples from a PDF.

Shop Sales

Buy your curriculum when publishers and companies are holding sales or offering deals. Some major curriculum publishers will hold an annual sale, while some will even offer monthly deals or specials. Black Friday is one time that homeschoolers can rake in a lot of good deals.

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Use Digital Curriculum

Instead of buying the physical copy of a curriculum see if they offer a digital version that you can download to your computer. If companies have a digital version, it is usually cheaper, and you will save on shipping costs as well.

A digital version will also save you money if the physical version of the curriculum is consumable. Instead of buying a new book for your next student, you can just print it out from your computer for a fraction of the cost (cost of paper and ink).

Sell Your Old Curriculum

When you’re done with your old curriculum, sell it! For me, it’s going to be a long time before I’m able to sell some of my curriculum since I have 3 kids.

If your curriculum is still in good shape, hop on eBay, Amazon, or find out when your local homeschool curriculum sale is and sell the books. Some curriculum has a very high resale value which you can then put towards buying new curriculum!

There are many ways to save money on homeschool curriculum. It is important to do your research and find the best deals possible. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get a quality curriculum. There are many affordable options available. So don’t hesitate to start homeschooling because of the cost.

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