When Your Homeschool Schedule Isn’t Working

When your homeschool schedule isn’t working, it can feel like you’re stuck in a rut. But there are ways to get out of this slump and find success again. You can make the curriculum work, you can create a schedule that works for your family.


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When Your Homeschool Schedule Isn’t Working

Homeschooling is hard work. Juggling the daily homeschool schedule with managing the kids, the daily chores, the meal planning, and a few minutes for yourself doesn’t leave much time for other pursuits.

the problem could be that your homeschool schedule isn’t working for you. You have become a slave to it.


I know there are so many great resources to choose from – so many that it’s easy to go just a little overboard.

Or perhaps you feel overscheduled because you’re homeschooling a houseful of kids. Or you’re a social butterfly with homeschool co-ops and activities crowding out the actual homeschooling.

Whatever the reason, overscheduling just isn’t working for you. Thankfully, there’s a pretty simple solution.

Cut back.

Look at what is really important. Look at your goals. Are you meeting them? Exceeding them? Your goals do not have to be crazy complicated, nor do you need a long list of goals for each of your children.

Unrealistic Expectations

First, I want you to consider how much time you’ve scheduled for each subject.

Is it more than adequate?

Does it provide a little bit of a buffer? It would help if you had that buffer to switch your mind from subject to subject, and so do your kids. Time to get different books, sharpen a pencil, and find another pencil because your child will lose the pencil they just had.

Other methods to increase your free time are by breaking up your homeschool subjects into four days each week and allowing yourself the fifth day to catch up, work, play games, and read.

We’ve been using a four day a week work schedule for a couple of years now. It is great having that extra day to catch up on work and add in additional fun entertainment that we can’t seem to squeeze in throughout the week.

mom and child with text overlay

You Need A Break

Homeschooling can be a great way to provide your children with individualized education, but it doesn’t have to be full-time. A break from the routine can be just what your family needs to revitalize and recharge.

Whatever your reasons, whether you just require a break, you’ve burdened yourself with too much on your plate, or you haven’t been realistic about how much you and your kids can accomplish in one day there is a solution.

It’s time to figure out why your schedule is broken.

  • Why is your current schedule so hard to manage?
  • Do you need to revamp things to make your day a little bit easier?
  • Do you need to let some things go?
  • Do you need to be a little more realistic in your expectations?

Take some time to think about why your homeschool schedule is broken and what you can do to fix it. It could be, in the end, that the curriculum you choose just isn’t working for your family. Some curricula are heavy, and I personally do not need that stress added to my days.

You can recover. I promise homeschooling doesn’t have to be stressful. You can do this!

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    Check out these to have a successful homeschool year:

    Homeschool Planning Tips

    Secular Homeschool Curriculum – How to Choose One

    Creating a Homeschool Schedule