Best Planners for Homeschool Moms

What are you looking for in a planner? You are looking to have a space just for homeschool-related planning, or maybe you want a planner that can be a catch-all. I found some great planners for homeschool moms that aren’t just for homeschooling. You can make them what you need them to be.

open planner with text overlay

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Best Planners for Homeschool Moms

What are you looking for in a planner? I’ll share some of the things that I look for just to give you a jumping-off point. Maybe I look for something that you hadn’t thought about before.

  • daily writing room
  • month at a glance
  • login/password keeper
  • meal planning
  • extra planning space for my work
  • subject planning – think laying out a year of language arts at a glance
  • record-keeping (portfolio)

I prefer a printed planner. I like to write out our plans, and things that need to get done. It sticks in my head better this way.

But you might prefer a digital planner. I found a great combo of both I think.

I found that writing out plans every day helps us set a routine better. Creating a routine in your homeschool can help you enjoy homeschooling.

Best Planners for Homeschool Moms

Thanks for reading!

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