Making Digital Homeschool Work for You

I think homeschooling comes down to two categories with digital: you either love it, or you hate it. I want to show you how you can make digital homeschool work for you and your kids. I want you to enjoy using it, if you chose to use it, and not just get it done.

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Digital Homeschool Curriculum

When I say digital homeschool I don’t mean, you can’t use anything but digital resources. We use a great mix of digital and paper homeschool resources.

The beauty of digital curriculum and other digital resources like digital interactive notebooks is that you as the parent can take a more hands-off approach to your child’s learning.

Our favorite digital curriculum would have to be Teaching Textbooks. Math is done completely online for two of my kids. Giving me time to work with their brother, or on other things.

There is a LOT of curriculum that is now available digitally. A number of the larger curriculum companies are now offering their curriculum in a digital option as well as their print.

Using a digital curriculum is also a great way to stretch your homeschool budget.

Digital Interactive Notebooks

Digital interactive notebooks are great for young learners in particular. Not saying they can’t be used for older learners as well though.

I really like them as a way to introduce younger learners to using digital learning. They are often less distracting, easier to move things around on the screen, and just give them a general understanding of using a computer.

Homeschool Planet - Online Homeschool Planner

Digital Homeschool Planners

Some people love their paper planners, and that would be me too. But there are some great options for digital planners too. Homeschool Planet has a great one that we used for a year. It was great. You can set up reminders which are helpful to make sure you don’t miss something important.

Digital Homeschooling

Homeschool Resources – What We’ve Used and Use

Using Screen Time for Homeschoolers

Educational and Fun Screen Time with Reading Eggs