I want my kids to love learning, and when there is a topic that they are interested in, they will read everything they can on it. Such as dogs, my oldest can tell you the breed of a dog instantly, almost annoyingly so, like while watching a movie. Why not let them create something that they can use to showcase their knowledge? Google Slides lets us do this easily.

Google Slides for Homeschool Projects
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Google Slides Over PowerPoint
Did you grow up on PowerPoint like I did? I remember using it in school for creating class projects. We are using Google Slides because you don’t have to do one of the following:
- work online – using PowerPoint online
- download it onto you laptop or desktop and save all work to your device, and only have access to it there
With Google Slides you can access your work anywhere, at anytime, and offline. With your work saving as you go along, which happens to be one of my favorite features.
How Students can use Slides
I think letting them have the chance to “teach” the rest of us through a slide show is the best way for them to do it right now. No papers to be discarded later or in the process, no project that to try and work on without anyone seeing it, they like to surprise us. They can be as creative as they like.
The best part: You don’t have to store it on your device, nor do you have to store a poster board project forever, or until it “accidentally” disappears.

How Homeschool Parents can use Google Slides
I have three kids, so if I create something for my oldest, some for social studies or science to aid in her learning, I can reuse it for the other two. Which makes me happy, to cut down on what I, as a homeschool parent, need to do when lesson planning. It’s a great way to create interactive learning and a lot more fun than textbooks.
Use it to your advantage, just like the other Google tools. Why shouldn’t we use great, free tools that can make life easier in the long run and help our kids with their tech skill.
I put together this FAQ for Google Classroom to hopefully help you figure everything out when it comes to using Google Classroom in your homeschool.
Best Homeschool Tool: Google Search
6 Chrome Extensions for Homeschooling
Google Drive for Homeschoolers