Educational and Fun Screen Time with Reading Eggs

We are getting back into the swing of back to school and all the things we use more so then. Reading Eggs isn’t one of them though despite how much my kids have learned from it. And it’s because they are learning so much that I love letting them have screen time.

Educational & Fun Screen Time with Reading Eggs

Educational and Fun Screen Time with Reading Eggs

*This post a sponsored posted, I am 100% honest, and we truly love Reading Eggs and have for a number of years.*

We have been using Reading Eggs for a few years now, and I love it for my kids. It has taken some of the pressure off me when it comes to teaching my kids to read. Not that I am not teaching them still, but they are having fun online reading along and learning with Reading Eggs.

Reading Egg Levels

I currently have three using the program because there are four different levels:

  • First Steps – 3-4 years.
  • Ready for School – 5 years.
  • Fun Practice Makes Perfect – 6-7 years.
  • Continue the Reading Journey – 7-13 years.

The program has been developed by a highly experienced team of teachers, educational writers, animators and web developers. It focuses on a core reading curriculum of skills and strategies essential for sustained reading success.

Your child won’t be pushed through a level until he or she ready. I have seen my child a little frustrated that they are still on the same level for a while, but once they do master that skill/level, wow, they are so happy!

I love seeing them take the skills to read from a fun engaging place and games to a book. My 3 year old is already starting to sound out words and completely blow his Momma away with all that he is learning, and he just sees it has having fun on the computer like his big sisters.

Reading Eggs hits on another important point for me: it’s safe. There is nothing for your kids to click on and end up somewhere else online.

You can try Reading Eggs for a FREE 4 week trial where you’ll have access to the thousands of interactive activities and over 2500 e-books that make up Reading Eggs.

We have had issues in the past with the game freezing up and not letting one child move past a section, but either a quick refresh of the page fixes it, or one time, their support quickly helped to fix the issue. And it was on our end, needing an update, but they were great to deal with.

Educational & Fun Screen Time with Reading Eggs