How Much Does Homeschooling Cost?

There really isn’t a simple answer for this question. This is actually the first question my husband asked me when I told him that we were going to be homeschooling, and I think it is a big concern for a lot of people. Let’s dive into it and see what the homeschooling cost could be.

How Much Does Homeschooling Cost? - Cost of Homeschooling - What costs in homeschooling

How Much Does Homeschooling Cost?

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Cost of Homeschooling

The cost of homeschooling is going to vary, greatly. Here is what causes the differences:

Over the years I have had boxed curriculum for my kids, and I have pulled from different sources for our different subjects, known a eclectic. There is a difference in style between the two. There is going to be a huge difference in cost between boxed curriculum and eclectic homeschooling.

Boxed curriculum has everything you need (books, schedule etc) arriving at your house ready to. BookShark (the boxed curriculum we have used) Level 1 All-subject package is $941.25, for everything you need that year.

Eclectic homeschooling, pulling from different resources is a lot more time consuming, it means you are having to figure out when you are doing what subject work and when. You have to find the topics/work you want for each subject which is a lot more hands on and not practical for some families. This year for example we are using Waldock’s Wizards & Wands, Grammar Galaxy, and Teaching Textbooks. We’re also using our library to fill in any gaps or interests that come up. I spent $133.08 roughly.

Cost of Homeschooling Outside of Curriculum

There are extra cost outside of curriculum costs that you may not think of right away. Things such as:

  • printer/ink/paper
  • school supplies
  • technology needs – computer/tablet/e-readers
  • books
  • field trips/memberships to museums, science centers, etc
  • extra equipment such as a microscope, art supplies

I know there are other costs that creep up, such as library fines. But the great thing about homeschooling it that you can get creative with the budget that you set for yourself. Maybe instead of a membership to both the museum and science center you budget for one trip to one place each month or every other month.

Homeschool Budget Tip:

Ask for homeschool family discounts at places.

So, does homeschooling cost money? Short answer is yes, everything cost money. But you don’t have to spend a lot of money if that is what is holding you back.

The Canadian Homeschooler Learning Centre

Can You Homeschool for Free?

You can homeschool for free, but it is going to take you time to find the resources and activities to go with your plans for the year. There are even websites that have free access for their curriculum that has been pieced together, ready to go. This could be the answer you are looking for, or if might not fit with your plans, your teaching style or your child’s learning style.

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