Got a Harry Potter fan? I have a couple, plus I am one myself. When I found Waldock’s Wizards & Wands curriculum I knew we had to use it. I knew it was going to hit all the important points for us in what I wanted in an elementary curriculum.

Wizards & Wands Curriculum Review
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Waldock’s Wizards & Wands could be your full curriculum (all-in-one) minus your math. For math you have to choose your own math, we’re using Teaching Textbooks for grades three and five, and RightStart for grade one.
We are also using our own language arts program, we’ll be using Grammar Galaxy just to add a little more to it.
Science with Wizards & Wands
This one is going to be fun. We have been loving science. To start things off this year we are going with some “fun” science as I am going to call it. Learning about Magical Creatures. With animal lovers and of course, girls that love unicorns, this will be fun.

We won’t only be learning about magical creatures though, we do want to learn this year. We’ll be covering Alchemy which will be focusing on rocks and minerals (think earth sciences), Astronomy, and Herbology. There is also Potions (Chemistry) and I can’t wait for it.
History with Wizards & Wands
My oldest is looking forward to this as she loves learning about History. Muggle Studies will be focusing on Medieval, Viking, Ancient Rome, and Ancient Egypt time periods. One of the books required is the Time Traveler which we use in BookShark Level 1 History.
There are worksheets for each topic. All in black and white, perfect for budget printing. Here is a sneak peek at some of them.

The work is very open-ended, which I like, it gives us the opportunity to dive deeper into topics that we enjoy or to move quickly to a new topic.
The Harry Potter Books & More
We will be reading along with the Harry Potter books, and watching the movies as well throughout the year. Both of which we already own.
Each topic or unit study has a number of books that are required for reading during the unit study, with only one or two books that are required. But there are more optional books you could spend a good chunk of time studying with them.
I think what I am looking forward to most about using this curriculum after knowing my kids are going to enjoy it and have fun, would be that the books are going to be amazing.
They are well illustrated that kids actually want to look at/read them. I actually created a new list in my Amazon Store for these books to make it that much easier for me. I am using our library as much as possible, but not all the books required are available through it.

We are going to have a lot of fun with this curriculum. And I think fun should be a huge part of learning, especially as we’re still in the elementary years. Each of the topics mentioned is created as a unit study, lasting 5-6 weeks. She has even included a sample 4 day lesson plan to help you get started.
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