I would love to say that moving and homeschooling are super easy. Actually, and homeschooling can be super easy. We have moved twice since we started homeschooling. Within the same town, the move was super easy, just keep track of which box contains your school books.
Moving and Homeschooling: How Hard Is It?
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Have you moved across the country during your homeschool year? I can officially say we have. Want to know how hard it is? It’s not. The End. Honestly, I think it was easier than arranging for public school transfer – which we have done – and getting our kids into a routine (time change) before starting school.
Homeschooling Through A Move
First, determine if you are going to continue homeschooling through the transition period. We did not homeschool while packing our house or traveling which was about a two week period total. We also took a few days to unpack and settle into the house before starting again.
Second, pack all your homeschool materials – pencils, crayons, binders, any books you are using at this time, and will need in the next few weeks – together. Pack it all together.
Third, make sure you have everything in hand, on hand, before you start, before you sit down with your kids. If you packed everything together, this will be easy.
Moving and Homeschooling in a New Space
What kind of space will you be homeschooling in? Do you have a designated space or are you homeschooling in your dining room?
Find a way to set up your stuff before your “first” day. Have everything ready to go in a way that you’ll be able to grab what you need when you need it.
Getting in A New Area Routine
This is where we are struggling. Finding that perfect routine that run smoothly with your homeschool schedule/routine.
We always went to the library on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. In reality we could probably get into the routine again here, but it doesn’t seem to flow right.
Facebook Groups
This looks odd, but when making a big move, Facebook can help you connect with other in the area you are moving to. You can use these groups to help meet other homeschoolers, find out about groups and activities that you may be interested in.