Autumn and winter. The time of year when our kids start staying in the house more and more and complain about being bored. I asked fellow bloggers for their best tips, tricks, and indoor kids’ activities. These are going to keep your kids busy for hours!

50+ Indoor Kids Activities

50+ Indoor Kids Activities

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Family Fun Activities

Get the family all together for some fun. Even though we homeschool we might not be spending a lot time together, especially when a parent is working or kids are working on different grade levels.

Craft Activities for Kids

We love crafting. I also love to just set out craft supplies and see what my kids create but sometimes it’s nice to have a end craft in mind.

Slime Fun

Slime. I don’t know of any kids that don’t love slime. I also don’t know of any parents who wish their kid hadn’t heard of slime.

50+ Indoor Kids Activities

Fun Snack Activities

We love fun snacks and meal. Jello Lego anyone? How cool is that.

Holiday Ideas

Looking for something to do this holiday season? Maybe make some binoculars to search the sky for Santa.

Kids Fun Play Activities

Just have fun. These activities are just plain fun.

Educational Activities

Educational activities are the best… your kids are having fun, they are learning and probably don’t even know that they are learning. This makes for the best education.

How to Start Homeschooling Mid-Year

Spelling Words – Write It, Draw It, Use It. – Language Arts – ELA

Online Art Curriculum for Homeschool