Maybe school started back already for you, or you do school all year long, either way, here are some great tips to get back into the grove, or to stay in the groove and not get burnt out. To get the year off to the best start possible. Here are more than 25 ideas or recipes to get you started.
Tips to Get Back to School Started Off Right
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Here are recipes, gift ideas, and fun to get school started on a great new school year. Back to school often starts out great but all the newness often fades quickly and we are all fighting to keep going. Here are some easy ways to maybe help you and your kids out throughout the school year.
First Day Pictures
I can remember my mom taking pictures for the first day of school while I was in elementary school. There weren’t any fancy papers or chalkboards stating what grade I was in because those have only really just become popular with Pinterest.
Each year I make back to school a little special by having a theme set in place. With that, I decorate a little in our dining room with a banner and a few other little things. Last year we did a Harry Potter theme.
Breakfast, Lunch, and Snacks
Moms and dads have gotten busier and busier. Between their own jobs, keeping the house, and running kids to a million extra-curricular activities it seems like everyone is always on the go.
We love make-ahead meals in our house. From egg cups that I make on Sunday for a week of breakfasts or pizza muffins for a fun lunch, making things ahead of time is a real time-saver in the long run.
Back to School Tips and Tricks
Let's get back to school with some fun this year.
Blueberry Muffins
These blueberry muffins are perfect for breakfast or for a snack.
Mini Pancake Cups
Make pancakes that your kids can easily grab and eat.
Simple Gluten Free lunch ideas for back to school lunchboxes
School lunches can be a bit of a challenge anyway, add a food sensitivity to the mix and now it is even more complicated!
The Starving Chef Blog
Well after this week's challenge, I can pretty confidently say my lunches and dinners are covered for the week. Now that I have the actual boxes, I might start doing this weekly!
Pizza Muffins - Kids Lunch Time Favorite
These are easy to make and perfect for lunch time whether your child is going to public school or staying at home to homeschool. These are a great make ahead meal idea.
DIY Chalkboard Classroom Decor
I transformed it into this cute DIY Chalkboard Classroom Decor in just a couple of easy steps.
Painted Pencil Garland
Despite the fact that I’m seeing pencils in everything, the inspiration for this painted pencil garland actually came from a friend.
DIY Ruler Table Runner
Make your own Ruler Table Runner! A fun decor craft for homeschoolers, back to school, teachers, and more!
Free Printable First Day and Last Day of School Bunting
The Bunting is designed to include Extra Numbers for the next few years.
End of the Year and Back to School Teacher Survival Kit DIY
I decided that this year I would put together a few Back to School Teacher Survival Kits.
Back to School Teacher Gift Idea
I have a back to school teacher gift idea that you all will love.
First Day of School Pictures Printables
First Day of School Pics don’t have to be boring or awkward anymore!
Harry Potter Printable Lunchbox Jokes and Notes for Kids!
Getting in the back to school mood I decided to make some fun Harry Potter Lunchbox Jokes and Notes for kids. These lunchbox printables are the perfect way to add a little magic and laughter to your children’s day while letting them know that you care.
5 FREE Back to School Printable Sign Sets
Many parents to take back to school pictures where their kids hold up printable signs stating what grade they will be going into that year.
How to Set Back to School Goals
As you prepare your little one to head back to school, your to-do list redoubtably is about a mile long. It can be daunting.
5 Genius Back to School Hacks
Routines and a plan are all you need to survive the transition back to school this fall. I don’t know where our family would be if we didn’t have routines.
How to Help Your Preschooler Transition to Kindergarten
The end of summer always comes too quickly… Fall can come as quite a surprise when your children are getting ready to make the transition to Kindergarten and full time school for the first time.
Food themed Printable Lunchbox Jokes and Notes for Kids!
I have been in a total back to school mode lately. While I homeschool, many of my friend’s kids go to Public, Private, and Charter school. A tradition of many of these friends is to put fun like jokes, and inspirational notes in their kid’s lunches.
School Themed Printable Lunchbox Jokes and Notes for Kids!
We love the idea of lunchbox treats and printables. They are such a simple way to brighten your child’s day and help them know you are thinking of them even though they are away at school.
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