Shopping back-to-school sales can really help you stick to your homeschooling budget. If you have already started planning your school year, bonus because you’ll have a better idea of what you want or need for the school year. The back-to-school sales have already started, and while as a homeschooler you might not be starting at the same time as the public schools, you can definitely take advantage of the amazing sales!

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Homeschooling Budget: Back to School Sales
Don’t think that the sales are only for public schools, because this is the best time for anyone to get the stuff they need for a year of crafting, creating, and learning.
There is nothing worse than running out of paper, or markers halfway through the school year. Or maybe those pencils your kids were using yesterday grew legs and walked away. Either way, make sure you have what you are going to need for the whole year, which leads to my first tip…
Stock Up
Shopping the back-to-school sales, and getting enough of the items you need to get you through the year, can and will save you money in the long run. Prices on items like crayons, markers, and glue are amazing. Make sure it picks up one or two extra to get you through the year though so you’re not paying full price later on.
Buy the “Big” Stuff
Take advantage of sales on electronics. Things like printers, laminators, pencil sharpeners are often on sale during the back-to-school season. Maybe you are going to be waiting for a tablet or computer.

Have you tried to get a teacher’s discount when you are buying school supplies? There are places such as Michael’s, and Staples that give homeschoolers the teachers discount when you bring in your letter registration from your school board (or state).
PDFs VS Hard Copy
You can save a lot of money upfront by purchasing PDF versions of a curriculum instead of a hard copy. You save on materials, shipping, and if you use the curriculum for multiple children, you only need to purchase one time versus per child.
Take Full Advantage of Sales
Look for library book sales, yard sales, and homeschool group used book sales. Check out sites like I have found probably 50% of the books on our shelves at used sales! So worth the hunt!
More on Homeschool Budgets
Budgeting to Homeschool on One Income