I try to include my kids in all aspects of gardening. I want it to be fun, and educational for them, I want them to know how important it is for them to know how to garden while making it fun. Including gardening projects in your homeschool is a great way to make it fun and educational.

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Gardening Projects for Homeschool
These are fun gardening projects for kids of all ages. I don’t think it is ever too soon to involve your kids in gardening. Come Spring, we usually put aside a lot of our formal curriculum (minus math) and focus our science in particular on gardening.
There are many many things that your kids can learn from gardening even on a small scale with potted plants.
Gardening is a perfect addition to any nature study or nature-based learning that you are doing with your kids.
Gardening Project for Your Kids
We all pick out our own seeds, the kids too of course because it is also their garden. They’ll be working it, planning it, and enjoying the harvest come late summer, or early autumn. I made this gardening made easy binder for you and your kids.
We have been gardening with our kids for a lot of years. As with everything, take into account the age and ability of your children. Building a garden with kids can be fun and filling for your whole family, plus a great way to get them to try new foods.
We are in that wonderful time of year when we are gardening. We always include our kids when we do everything, building a garden with them is just one more thing we do with our kids.
Get a set of plant printables AND get tips on using a native garden to teach kids!
Gardening can be a challenge, but it’s one that brings my family together. We enjoy basking in the sunlight as we discover the pride of being more self-sufficient.
Gardening with your children is a great way to enjoy spring weather together. But what gardening jobs for kids will keep them engaged? Entice your child to come outside and help you in the yard by giving them some simple, fun jobs to do!
Teaching kids how to garden and plant encourages them to eat more vegetables and inspires them to cook too. Great life skill to have and you’ll be amazed at how delicious fresh fruits are you grew yourself!
Even if you have just a small balcony or garden you can still grow some fabulous plants even vegetables with the kids. To get them started you need very little equipment and you can start growing your seeds for a garden you can enjoy later in this year.
How to Make a Terrarium with Kids -Step by Step Instructions and Inspiration
If you’re looking for ideas on how to spend some quality time together this summer, try planting your own terrarium. This can be a great educational experience for kids.
This fun and easy activity gave him a chance to work on counting from 1 to 13, and was his first preschool science experiment! Together we learned what the best environment is for a seed to grow, inspired by one of our favorite books!
One day, after our walk, we decided to plant our yucca seeds. To avoid a trip to the store, we decided to recycle some of our empty water bottles and toilet paper rolls to make seed starter planters. I also thought it would be a great recycling project for my kids!
Did you know that you can eat the tender shoots that sprout from popcorn seeds? It’s true! Keep reading for a simple how-to that will answer all of your questions on how to grow popcorn greens. These are very likely the sweetest greens you’ve ever tasted!
These darling DIY fairy greenhouses are egg carton seed starters kids can plant, decorate, tend, and watch grow! They’re a wonderful late winter or early spring indoor gardening activity for children – especially if you live in a colder climate and just *can’t wait* to dig your hands in a bit of dirt.
Even if you do not have a green thumb, you can do this earth science project. And you can do it easily and cheaply with a homemade terrarium.
One of my favorite projects with kids is making seed bombs and seed paper by reusing paper scraps, junk mail, and even brown paper lunch bags.
Mason jar gardening is a great way to enjoy delicious herbs or vegetables when you don’t have the space to plant outdoors or don’t want to deal with outdoor gardening.
Making homemade personalized stepping stones and planting gardens are perfect outdoor activities for children to welcome the warm weather!
DIY Upcycled Toilet Paper Seedling Pots and Painted Stone Garden Markers
Turn reusing toilet paper rolls into a fun learning experience for kids with this easy toilet paper roll seedling pot tutorial. And for fun learn how to paint garden stone markers to know what you planted where in your garden.
Are you looking for an indoor seed starter gardening project for kids? If so, check out this simple solution. With just a few easy supplies, your little one can plant and grow their own seeds, right from inside your home.
Teach your kids to grow their own food with an easy recycled container herb garden. Here’s how to make one.