Are you comfortable teaching your kids when it comes to technology? Many homeschool parents aren’t. While I can code, I don’t feel confident to teach my kids. Helping them I can handle. But kids in today’s world need to be proficient in technology skills. This is where MYTEK LAB comes in.

I received digital access to this product as well as reimbursement for the time spent writing this review in exchange for my honest thoughts. This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.
Kids today need to know how to function in an increasingly complex technological world. The best way to learn these skills is from someone who knows what they’re talking about and who gives students the opportunity to practice along with what they’re learning.
MYTEK LAB offers Coding and Programming Classes
MYTEK LAB is a family business with a couple who have teaching experience as well as degrees and experience in Computer Information Systems. Together they have the experience to be a great combination for offering the online classes from MYTEK LAB for grades 3-12.

TEKnology Lab Level 1
My oldest has had more of an interested in learning about coding, and web design and development than her siblings and has been getting started with the TEKnology Lab Level 1 is year.
This class is a year long class that covers:
- Computer fundamentals
- 2D Game Art
- Programming
- 3D modeling for games
- VR Development
- Web Design
- Web Development
- 3D Modeling for 3D Printing

We started by first picking a day and a time for live classes that fits with your schedule. They have a number of different levels to choose from, as well as different days and times. For instance on Monday’s there are four different times to pick from: 10am, 1pm, 2:05pm, and 4pm. Along with a live help class for any questions your child may have about the week’s assignments.
Each week the live, which you can watch later, you will be walked through the steps on how to create something new. It is very helpful to have a second device for these courses, one to watch what is being done and then one to work on as you follow along. Or, have a large enough screen that you have do a split screen which is what my daughter did.
Everything is user-friendly, perfect for independent learning. I think my 11 year old could use the site every day and never get bored with the many, many different learning opportunities that are provided. Her latest thing has been sculpting as you can see in the picture above.
Families who register for semester 2 can get semester 1 for $145. That’s all the recorded lessons and assignments for semester 1 at a discounted price. Contact Jacky at to get all set up.
Gifts for the Techie Homeschool Mom