Everyone tries to set new goals or resolutions at the beginning of the year. For us, we are in the middle of the school year, even though we are at the beginning of the calendar year. I like taking a new start at the beginning of both for our school year. It is a great way to restart, to get things back on track. One way to get on track and stay on track is to use lists to organize your homeschool.

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I love having lists, I like being able to cross something off as done. But not all lists are meant to be crossed off. Some lists are meant to be added to over time, like a list of books that you have read.
Lists to Organize Your Homeschool
Daily To-Do List – What is it that you need, and want to get done each day? Also make sure to add those things like grocery shopping on the appropriate day.
Weekly To-Do List – A weekly to-do list can be a life changing tool to keep (and stay) organized.
Curriculum List – Make a hard copy of the curriculum and resources that you have. I use Google Drive for all my master list stuff now, I can access it anywhere and everywhere, and I’m not going to toss out the piece of paper I wrote it down on by mistake which happens often when tidying up.
Shopping List – I use the Out of Milk app, which my husband also has on his phone so we each add to the list and nothing gets missed. There is nothing worse than knowing you had a shopping list on home on the counter and you forgot it. How often are you leaving the house without your phone?
Field Trip List – Create a master list of places you want to go this year on field trips. You can either cross them off as you go on them, or write the date next to them to keep track of when you went on them.

List of Books – Make a list of books that you want to read this year. Add to it all year long if you want. Make a book list for you and make a list that you want to read aloud to your kids. Make a list of books that you have read.
A Birthday List – I keep one at the front of my planner, it is just one page with all the important birthdays for the year listed. My kids, my husband’s, parents, siblings, etc.
I have been utilizing Google Drive and Trello for all my lists now. I have created a simple board in Trello to use as my weekly planner, I keep it open as a tab on my desktop all the time so I can click back to see what I need to be working on at any time.
Helpful Tips for the Disorganized Homeschool Mom