It is the season for desserts! Or at least that is what December always seems to be the month that all I want to do is bake. Now, I know things are little different and you might not be able to share them with your family and friends the same as you used to but you can still make a quick dessert here and there.

Quick Desserts to Make at Home

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What is a quick dessert to you? To me, it’s something that is easy to make, isn’t calling for a lot of ingredients, and is, obviously, quick to make. I find we make a lot of the same ol’ things when we do any baking at all.

You might not be ale to have everyone over for a big meal, or for a holiday party this year but you can still make a lovely dessert. You can enjoy that dessert with your family at home, or you can surprise someone local with a homemade quick dessert dropped off at their door.

Share the joy for the season a little differently this year.

Quick Desserts

Mini Donut Maker Recipes

Single Serve Desserts & More!

Dessert Recipe Box

Quick Desserts to make at home