Smartick Math – Having Fun with Math

Math is not my favorite subject to teach my kids, because I was never a fan of it as a child myself. Thankfully so far they seem to like it just fine, and I guess I’m hiding my dislike of it pretty well. When Smartick math came to me and asked if I would like to try their math with my kids I jumped on it fast! Anything that helps, I am willing to give a-go.

Smartick Math - Having Fun with Math

Smartick Math – Having Fun with Math

*We received free product of Smartick in exchange for sharing our experience with it with you. For more information on sponsored content please see my disclosure policy.*

What is Smartick?

Smartick math can help your child gain confidence in their math skills that they are learning either in public school or in your homeschool. It is a unique online learning method to help your child reach their maximum potential.

Who is it for?

You child can use the program once they turn 4, and right up until he or she is 14 years old. This is perfect for sibling to take turns doing or doing at the same time but on different devices. Perfect for little brothers who feel they need to be doing school too such as it is in our house.

With lessons only being 15 minutes long it is just enough to have them thinking, but not getting frustrated or tried of using it. Smartick does recommend using it at least 5 days a week. It has been great for refreshing concepts and keeping things fresh in their  minds.

My Favorite Part:

It is independent work for them. They are able to move through the exercises on their own giving me a chance to work with a sibling.  Plus, they already want screen time, and this way they are learning while getting it. And everyone gets the same amount of time, no fighting!

You can try it for free, to see just how great it is. Let’s give our kids all the confidence we can in math to be the best they can be.