The moment that I have been dreading since we started homeschooling is here: learning fractions and teaching fractions. Fractions. I don’t do fractions. In fact, my mother could tell you just how much I dislike, no, hate fractions.
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Learning Fractions in Our Homeschooling
I struggled with them in school, whenever they came up, no matter the grade. I am determined for us to learn the use of fractions, without too many tears from either one of us.
Picking the Right Math Curriculum
The first step in teaching fractions in your homeschool is picking the right math curriculum. Find a curriculum that works for your family. Look for what works for your teaching style, and your child’s learning style.
I know that when I look at a math curriculum I want to stay away from the common core. You might want common core.
Fraction Circles
My first thought was to get some hands-on, visual aids, something to help us both. We’re all hands-on. We learn and understand better this way.
Even if you’re not homeschooling, having some hands-on aids of any type can help you and your child during homework time. You can find ours here in our shop.
Fractions In the Kitchen
When I introduced fractions, I had a set of teaspoons in hand. I wanted to show them just how we use fractions when we are in the kitchen.
My kids are always in the kitchen with us, in fact, Austin usually ends up the measuring spoon/cup gofer, and now that she’s seen them as fractions she’s realized that they aren’t all that mad.
We’ll be getting in the kitchen some more with math, and I’ll be encouraging the use of the smaller measuring spoons and cups, which is a fun and yummy way to work on using fractions.
Other Manipulatives to Use
If your child likes playing with playdough, this is a great way to work on fractions as well, plus playdough is fun.
Your child can make circles foods think: pizzas, cakes, pies, even donuts would work great! And then cut them into pieces – fractions.
Get hands-on with kids. If you don’t have access to a printer and laminator or are looking for something different, Amazon has a lot of different manipulatives to choose from.
Thanks for reading!More Math for Your Homeschool
Homeschool Math in the Kitchen