In our school district we are required to keep a homeschool portfolio for every year that our child is homeschooling, and keep them until they are finished (home)school. Make sure that you learn the laws for your area, every state, province, and school district is different. We don’t have to hand it in at the end of year where I live thankfully, but there are places that do require it.
You don’t want to be left at the end of the year without anything, and scrabbling to get it together. There will be plenty of other times you can scramble to get things together.
Shortcuts to Keeping Your Homeschool Portfolio
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We use large binders, nothing expensive, just practical. We personalized our portfolios this year with pictures of them on the front cover, colorful dividers, etc. It makes it more personalized, and might just get them helping, on to tip one…
Children Can Help
Have your children pick through their work each month and choose what it is they would like in their portfolio. Remember to give them a limit to how many pieces they choose per subject so they aren’t keeping everything. There are apps that you can use to get digital copies of their art work in stead of all the actual work.
This saves you from doing it and teaching responsibility to your student(s).
By Semester
Every three months I get my hole punch out and go through the papers that we’ve done. For the most part all our work is in workbooks or scribblers. Scribblers will get added to the portfolio when they are filled, and workbooks dissembled when they are filled.
We keep our portfolio in the same place at all time. I don’t move them around, otherwise I’d end up losing them.
Remember to keep track of things that you have to have in your portfolio. Each place/school division requires different things. Don’t make things harder on yourself.
How do you keep everything together?
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