Getting Ready for A New Homeschool Year

I love getting ready for a new homeschool year. New curriculum if you are going that way, new pencils. The summer’s end signals that the time is drawing near for home-school moms to finalize the preparations for the new year. For many, this includes putting in order their workspaces and arranging their calendars.

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Getting Ready for A New Homeschool Year

It’s that time of year again- the days are getting shorter and the weather is starting to cool down. For many, this means the start of a new school year. But for homeschoolers, it’s time to start planning for the new year!

Here are some tips to help you get ready:

Donate or Sell

Let’s start off by looking back at the last year. The books you bought a year ago, and haven’t opened yet because you have a well-loved book on the same topic? Donate, sell, or give it to a friend.

There are Facebook groups specifically for buying, selling, and trading curriculum, and there may be one in your area for you.

The same goes for curriculum. If there is something that you haven’t used for your first two children because you don’t like it, chances are you won’t like it for your next homeschooled child. Make room for the things that you do use.

Stock Up on Supplies

Do a supply check. Pens, pencils, crayons, erasers, notebooks. Printer paper and ink.

There is nothing worse than realizing that you have only one pencil for your three kids on the first day of school.

Order homeschool supplies to have them when the school year starts.

Organize for a New Homeschool Year

Clean up everything you have in your homeschool space. Tidy up your books, binders, and papers. If you keep a portfolio of your children’s school year, now is the time to go through their work and keep the pieces you want to save.

Repair anything you want/need to save that needs repairing, or add to your Hubby’s-to-do list as I do.

Meal Plan

A good goal for getting a meal plan in place prior to your new school year is to have two weeks scheduled and a grocery list made for those weeks. If you have the recipes you need, then scheduling the first month of school is even better! But, as always, any plan is better than no plan at all, do what you can.

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Take A Moment for Yourself

Don’t forget about yourself, momma. The new year requires a lot of you and you need to prepare yourself. Let’s chat a little bit about a few ways you can prepare yourself for the new homeschool year.

Getting Up Early

I function much better when I get up earlier than my kids. I need time to wake up, and drink my coffee on my own time. Without anyone talking to me or requiring me to think beyond “coffee”.

You might only want or need half an hour to yourself in the mornings.

Try it out for a couple of weeks before the school year starts so you get into a routine

Stay Up Later, But Not Too Late

If you are getting up earlier, chances are you aren’t staying up too late in the evenings after your kids go to bed.

It’s nice to take some time after your kids go to bed to connect with your husband, watch some TV, relax and destress from the day. Start before the school year starts so it’s routine.

Don’t stay up planning the year, just do something for yourself.

Learn how to get your homeschool ready for the year.

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