If you are wondering how to get started with nature study, I’ve got good news for you: we’re talking nature study for beginners and sharing a bunch of great resources to help you get outside and get started.

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Nature Study for Beginners
When it comes to the actual act of studying nature, remember not to make it harder than it has to be. Attention and observation are the only true requirements; both will make a huge difference with the following nature study ideas.
I have always worked hard to make sure my kids love to be outside. Because I am an inside kind of person. We have enjoyed everything we’ve learned together over the past few years with relaxed nature studies.
Ways to Get Started with Nature Study
Take a walk a few times each week and pay attention. If you walk the same path observe how the location changes through the seasons and with the weather.
Start by learning about the plants and animals in your own backyard. This is possible pretty much everywhere, even if you don’t really have a backyard. Grab this app to help you identify the plants around you.
Do themed nature walks.
Collect flowers, press them, and keep them on display or in a journal.
Use flowers and/or leaves for DIY nature art. Take this one step further by repeating the project each season and display in a group for comparison.
Make a phenology wheel and use it to record what you see from month to month. You can learn to make your own here.
Enjoy a nature-themed scavenger hunt. These are great for encouraging observation skills and can be tons of fun.
Take pictures of anything you notice. Then check nature apps like PictureThis to classify plants or PictureBird to identify birds you encounter. Use that information to document in your nature journal or inspire more investigation.

Become familiar with the trees, plants, and animals in your backyard or local parks.
Plant something. A garden is a great way to observe nature, but if the thought of that seems overwhelming, start with an indoor herb garden with the help of a starter kit.
You can also choose a single pack of seeds from your local home and garden store and go from there. Planting, nurturing, and observing one single plant will go a long way with nature study!
Nature journals – Journals are the perfect way to document your observations and encounters. While they can be elaborate and artsy, they certainly don’t have to be. It’s all up to you. I personally use this nature walk journal; it’s simple, but it’s easy to carry along and gives plenty of room to draw and write.
More Nature Study for Your Homeschool
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