Minimalist Homeschool Room Tips

Minimalist homeschooling and homeschool room don’t really go hand and in hand in my mind. But, if you have the space in your home, why not use it as a learning space for your children. A minimalist homeschool room can be a great way to keep everything together in one space, something I often wish we had.

Minimalist Homeschool Room Tips

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Minimalist Homeschool Room

Having a dedicated homeschool room in your house doesn’t mean that you are limited to homeschooling in that space. You can still take your math lessons to the dining room table, or your reading to the living room or family room couch.

You don’t actually need a homeschool room in order to homeschool. To me, minimalist homeschooling doesn’t include a homeschool room. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have one if you have the space.

If you have a space for a designated homeschool room it can make things easier. Storage for your curriculum, space for hands-on learning. A space separate from the rest of your house, a way to maybe contain it away from the rest of your living areas.

What Does A Minimalist Homeschool Room Look Like?

A Space for Learning

A large table with comfortable sitting for any bookwork that you may do in your homeschool. A good-sized table also gives you space to work on projects or science experiments. Folding utility tables might not look great, but they are going to stand up to crafting and science experiments. Plus they can be folded up out of the way if you need extra space.

A Space for Reading

Create a cozy reading corner with your books and some comfortable sitting. Large pillows or bean bag chairs are comfy for reading for long periods of time when you and your kids dive into a great book.

OR you could leave reading areas for the rest of your home.

Minimalist Homeschool Room Tips

Storage Space

You are going to want a good amount of storage space in your homeschool room. For distraction-free learning use boxes on shelves or cube organizers with cube boxes. This can help keep you and your kids from finding something to look at instead of concentrating on lessons.

Storage space also allows you to keep curriculum for your younger children if that is what you’d like to do.

Wall Hangings

You do not need wall hangings for your homeschool. You don’t need an alphabet chart or math chart on the walls to homeschool your kids. My kids have done great without them.

Marker Board or Chalkboard

You don’t need a marker board or chalkboard in a minimalist homeschool room. It can help when you are explaining things to your kids, helping with their lessons instead of using scrap paper.