Air Fryer Donair Calzone

Donairs are a favorite food around here, the East Coast runs strong through our blood around here. There have been many birthday dinner requests that have been donairs by my kids. This air fryer donair calzone was amazing! There is something about the air fryer that makes great food even better than when cooked in an oven.

Making a Donair Calzone

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I am the adult that got an air fryer and then life was never the same again. It is the appliance that I never thought I would use, I fought buying one for years because I just didn’t see the sense in it, and didn’t want yet another small appliance.

What You Need:

How to make Donair Calzone

Step one is to start your dough. You don’t want to rush your dough, make sure you give the yeast time to fully activate for a great dough.

While your dough yeast is activating you are going to start browning your ground beef. This is going to be your filling, the donair in your donair calzone.

Once you have activated, foamy yeast, you are going to add in the remaining dough ingredients, knead well, I recommend using a mixer with a dough hook to make things easier on you. Set it in a warm place to rise.

While the dough is rising, continue cooking your donair meat, you want to be breaking it up into small pieces. Drain the fat once it is cooked, and then add in the donair spice mix.

Homemade Donair Meat Recipe

Once the dough is ready you are going to divide it into even-sized pieces. We did a triple batch, getting a good number of these calzones so we could feed the five of us and have leftovers for lunch the next day as well.

Roll out a piece of dough into a circle about 1/4 of an inch thick. On one side add a scoop of doanir meat.

Making a Donair Calzone - Calzone bing prepared with text overlay

Add whatever toppings you like on your donair. Our favorites are white onion and tomato, but we didn’t plan ahead very well and didn’t have a fresh tomato on hand.

Add some donair sauce on top of your meat and toppings.

Making a Donair Calzone

Now it is time to fold your calzone. Fold over the top of your dough, the part without anything on it. You want to bring the dough on the bottom up and over to the top one to seal the calzone. Squeezing the edges together.

Making a Donair Calzone - uncooked calzone

Spray the bottom of your air fryer with the non-stick spray. Place your calzone in it, how many you can fit at a time depends on your air fryer, we could do two. You don’t want them to touch. Spray the calzones with non-stick spray to make them golden. We also sprinkle a little parsley on top, but this is optional.

Cook for 5-10 minutes on 400 or until a golden brown.

Making a Donair Calzone
Making a Donair Calzone
Yield: 6

Air Fryer Donair Calzone

Prep Time: 40 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 50 minutes

These homemade air fryer donair calzones are delicious and filling. They are a fun twist on the popular donair.


Donair Meat

  • 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp Italian seasoning
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • 1 tsp flour
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1lb of lean ground beef

Sweet Donair Sauce Recipe

  • 1 can evaporated milk
  • 3/4 cup of sugar
  • 2 tsp garlic powder
  • 7 tbsp vinegar

Pizza Dough

  • 1/2 tbsp yeast
  • 1 C warm water
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp garlic power
  • 1/2 tsp dried thyme
  • 2 1/2 C flour
  • 2 tbsp EVOO


Pizza Dough

  1. Add together in a mixing bowl your sugar, warm water, and yeast. Let it sit for at least 5 minutes to active or until it is foamy.
  2. Once it has activated add in the remaining ingredients and mix with a large mixer using a dough hook. It will become elastic, mix it until this happens.
  3. Let rise for a few minutes while you are doing everything else.

Donair Spice Mix

  1. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl.

Homemade Donair Meat

  1. Brown the ground beef, making sure to break it up as it cooked into fine pieces.
  2. Drain off any fat once completely cooked.
  3. Mix the donair spice mix into the ground beef.

Sweet Donair Sauce Recipe

  1. Mix the first three ingredients together in a container.
  2. SLOWLY add vinegar. Adding a tablespoon at a time.

Donair Calzone

  1. Once the dough is ready you are going to divide it into even-sized pieces. We did a triple batch, getting a good number of these calzones so we could feed the five of us and have leftovers for lunch the next day as well.
  2. Roll out a piece of dough into a circle about 1/4 of an inch thick. On one side add a scoop of donair meat.
  3. Add whatever toppings you like on your donair. Our favorites are white onion and tomato, but we didn't plan ahead very well and didn't have a fresh tomato on hand.
  4. Add some donair sauce on top of your meat and toppings.
  5. Now it is time to fold your calzone. Fold over the top of your dough, the part without anything on it. You want to bring the dough on the bottom up and over to the top one to seal the calzone. Squeezing the edges together.
  6. Spray the bottom of your air fryer with the non-stick spray.
  7. Place your calzone in it, how many you can fit at a time depends on your air fryer, we could do two. You don't want them to touch.
  8. Spray the calzones with non-stick spray to make them golden. We also sprinkle a little parsley on top, but this is optional.
  9. Cook for 5-10 minutes on 400 or until a golden brown.

What is a Calzone?

A calzone is a folded pizza, usually shaped like a half-moon and stuffed with cheese and possibly vegetables, meat, and/or sauce and it can be baked or fried. Or in this case, donair meat and toppings, and cooked in an air fryer.

Homemade Donair Poutine Recipe

Homemade Donair Meat Recipe

Donair Spice Mix

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