Homeschooling can be overwhelming! How do you know you are not only covering all the subjects that you need to cover, but what about everything else that they need for life? What about your child’s social emotional health? Enriched at Home is here to help with their monthly kits.
I received digital access to this product as well as reimbursement for the time spent writing this review in exchange for my honest thoughts. This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.
What is Enriched at Home?
The Enriched at Home curriculum is a monthly digital download for parents and educators to use for creating connection, and fostering a learning atmosphere at home. Each month is based around a new character trait as the general theme, and is supported by literature, discussion, nature experiences, physical wellness and nutrition guidance.
It is meant to take learning beyond academic learning. It’s for creating quality family time, it’s meant to be done as a family, not just something for your kids to do.
What you get each month:
Each month’s Enrichment Kit has three different modules: S.E.L.F (Social and Emotional Learning for Families), Nature, and Nutrient.
Each month there is a different theme for each module each month, which is something I really enjoy, I like themes to follow because it allows you to add to that theme in other areas of your homeschool. The nutrient module includes a recipe is perfect for getting your kids in the kitchen with you.
February’s S.E.L.F (Social and Emotional Learning for Families) is a spot light on love, perfect for leading up to Valentine’s Day.
February’s nature theme will be Sky & Weather, yet another open-ended theme. The nutrient module is shifting perspective on sugar.
Using Enriched at Home in Your Homeschool
Practically everything you need is included in the enrichment kit. We added in craft supplies and ingredients for the cooking activities, plus the books we borrowed from our library, but the “meat” of the program was already planned out.
This has been a wonderful addition to our homeschool, giving us some quality time together without just sitting down to do worksheets. The S.E.L.F module includes six different activities to do together as a family.
We’re really looking forward to the Nature module next month, revisiting learning about clouds. I swear the only thing my kids took away from our lessons in the past about clouds were airplane contrails. At least they learned something though, right?
The nutrient module will be learning about good food choices or bad in terms of sugar content and making guacamole, FUN!
Everything in the Enriched at Home Enrichment Kits is promoting healthier family life. It’s quality family time spent together that you can relax while doing together without feeling any pressure from a curriculum or feeling like you may have missed over something that you should be doing with your children.
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