All moms want the same thing, the best for their kids. It doesn’t matter if that’s public school, private school, or homeschooling. Who cares as long as you feel you are doing what’s better for your kids, that’s what’s important. Here I have some productive homeschool mom tips for those that choose to homeschool their kids.
6 Productive Homeschool Mom Tips
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This is key. Without organization everything else falls through, and nothing gets done. When you start homeschooling your home becomes the center of your child’s education, but your don’t want to lose your home to “school”.
What’s most important? Do that first. If you can’t function with a sink full of dishes or your counters cluttered (me!) then deal with that first, and then get started on the lessons.
Pace Yourself
Don’t do too much at one time, or through the day. Or through the week. There is no need to cover all the subjects in one day, plus take your kids to extra-curricular activities, and keeping your house tidy.
You don’t want to burned out from trying to do too much in a short time.
Make a schedule and stick to it. I toss a load of wash in in the morning, and at some point though the day hang it to dry. This keeps me from having to spend a whole day doing laundry.
It makes a huge difference when you are interacting with others. Particularly adults. Find other homeschoolers to interact with through local groups, Facebook groups.
The same goes with your kids too. They need to be interact with other kids, kids that enjoy similar activities and interests.
Involve Your Kids
Productive homeschool moms don’t obtain success by ignoring child feedback. If they love the curriculum get more like it, if they are acting up, not enjoying or learning with the curriculum or resources you are using, it it time to find something different.
Productive homeschool moms have a sharp eye for the best deals on learning material. We also take advantage of other resources such as libraries and field excursions to make sure to keep up with our kid’s ever growing needs for quality education and their interest.
Organized Homeschool Lesson Planning