Using Comic Book Sheets in Your Lessons

We got off track with our language arts curriculum through the month of October and November and I am really okay with it. We have been doing a lot of written work in a different way, through National Novel Writing Month – Young Writers Program. Our comic book sheets let our creativity run wild.

Using Comic Book Sheets in Your Lessons

Using Comic Book Sheets in Your Lessons

My two girls, 10 & 8 years old, are working on writing novels that include some comic-style images in them. Gauge, 6 years old, is working completely on a comic book.

They are creating these books based on the elementary workbooks that you can get through NaNoWriMo – Young Writers Program. My girls in particular have worked through them and are using their prep work to create an interesting story.

Comic Book Pages

The above comic pages are the pages that my kids are using in their stories.

Gauge surprised me so much with the detail and storyline that he was creating in his comic book. By providing him with the pages, he was able to move past the roadblock of writing words out and create a great comic book. It just goes to show that changing the medium in which your child creates can draw out their abilities.

Using Comic Book Sheets in Your Lessons

This comic book sheets set includes 22 pages for creative fun. Use them for art or for language arts as we did. Or use the in a completely different way and comment below to let me know how you used them.

We will be using them again and again in our homeschool to create different comic book/graphic novel projects, and as well as:

  • books reports
  • scientific labs
  • a way to show what they have learned in history, etc.

Comics are fun and interesting and can be used with a wide range of ages and subjects. They can be used to help students develop higher-order thinking skills (sequencing, predicting, inferring, synthesizing, analyzing, evaluating…etc).

Visually illustrated content is much easier to process, understand and remember, so teachers, use them yourselves when creating lessons for your students. Let’s have fun while teaching kids important facts and information.

How could you use these in your homeschool or classroom?

Thanks for reading!