End of the Homeschool Year Must Dos

If you follow the traditional school year as we do, then the end of the homeschool year is coming soon. May is the worst month for our homeschool, the weather is beautiful and we are ready to just spend the days outside, not be stuck in the house, or anywhere doing school work. We want fun, but first, I like to make sure that we are ready for the next year by finishing this year off right.

End of the Homeschool Year Must Dos

End of the Homeschool Year Must Dos

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Celebrate the End of Another Homeschool Year

The first thing you need to do is celebrate that you have made it through another year. There are some ideas on Pinterest on how to celebrate the end of year. This year I ordered some new books for my kids and I am going to take some new pictures of them for my window style picture frame… it’s been 3 years since I we took pictures for that frame.

Celebrate! End of Homeschool Year Must Dos

Record Keeping

Now is the time to makes sure you have all your paperwork and records caught up on. I try to do it all at the end/beginning of the month so everything is a bit more fresh in my mind, here are some things that I keep track of:

Evaluate the Homeschool Year

How did your curriculum choices pan out for you?

Were you looking for a different curriculum or supplements?

Or were you leaving things out because they are repetitive, too much work for you or your child? Not at a level your child is working?

Plan for Next Homeschool Year

Look at your evaluation of the year, what worked or didn’t work. Make sure to refresh yourself on the requirements in your province and any paperwork that you need to have filled out. You may want to get a rough idea in place at the beginning of the summer and order any materials you might need.

Planning Your Homeschool Year Breaking Down Subjects

Talk to Your Children

It might seem silly but talk to your children about the year, how they felt about the routine and/or curriculum. Ask them what they want to learn next year.

My kids have asked to learn about dinosaurs, early humans, and Ancient Rome and China next year.

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