Homeschool Books I Recommend for Beginning

When I begin anything, I read about it, I know there is so much information online but I always turn to books first. Homeschool books that I would recommend for beginning your homeschool journey. I read so many books or started so many books only to stop when they weren’t what I wanted or needed.

woman sitting on floor reading with Homeschool Books I Recommend for Beginning text overlay

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Homeschool Books I Recommend for Beginning

These are all the books that I have read as we started this journey. The first thing I did when I first decided to homeschool was to go to the library and then hit Amazon and get all the books related to homeschooling that I could get my hands on.

There is something really comforting about books, and reading them versus reading something online.

Homeschool Books for Getting Started Homeschooling

There are the homeschool books that I would recommend for your homeschool journey, no matter the information online, I always read books.