Raising Old Fashion Kids

I never thought that I would be raising my kids the way we are. We have been raising them to be respectful of each other, of us, and to earn the respect of others. These kids are learning to grow food. They are learning to cook, and they all have chores around to learn about helping around the house. I am not a Momma who is waiting on her kids and doing their pecking. It’s strange to think that it’s considered that we’re raising old fashion kids.

Raising Old Fashion Kids - girl leaning on a fence with text overlay

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Raising Old Fashion Kids

I never in a million years though we would be raising birds for meat and for eggs. I had no thoughts to raising old fashion kids, I just wanted to raise good human beings. Now as they are getting older I see that we are raising them a little more old fashion but there is nothing wrong with that.

Everything is Balanced:

  • we spend a lot of time outside – but they still use tablets and computers for schoolwork and for fun
  • enjoy helping whether it is helping grandpa stack firewood or chase little friends – they still act like kids sometimes who don’t want to do their chores or help with even the simplest thing
  • they want to raise their own chickens – they also want the newest Lego set
  • growing tomatoes for eating like apples – they aren’t turning down junk either

It’s all about balance right? Everything in life should be about balance. Want that chocolate cake? Eat some veggies.

Raising Old Fashion Kids - girl handling 2 quail eggs

Raising Our Kids to be part of the Family

We all have chores that we would sometimes rather not do, and we no longer give an allowance. I sat down and thought about one day and thought about how no one was paying me to do the dishes or the laundry but it was something that needed to be done. This is what I aim to teach my kids.

Chores really don’t take that long to accomplish, and neither does their schoolwork and then they have the rest of the day to do as they please.

Chores and lessons are part of things that need to be completed before you’re rewarded with freedom to play and explore.


I am raising three kids who when I ask if someone can give me a hand, fight to help out even when they don’t know what I need help with.

We have very much taken to a homestead, forest school, unschooling style life in the past year since we moved back to our Nova Scotia home. Letting kids get dirty and learn from experience instead of a book is becoming less common in public school but is the heart of homeschooling.

Nature Studies for your Homeschool

What is Nature-Based Homeschool?

20+ Fast Growing Seeds for Kids to Grow