We talked a bit about what nature-based homeschool is, let’s get started with it in our homeschools, shall we. Not just curriculum, because as secular homeschoolers, in particular, curriculum does not rule our homeschool days or plans. There are a number of different nature-based homeschool options that you can add to your days.

Nature-Based Homeschool Options

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Including nature studies in your homeschool can be very natural. The same goes with an unschooling nature-based homeschool curriculum. Nature is by word alone, natural. Adding nature studies to your homeschool can be as easy as getting outside for a walk each day, with nothing planned but to look around you.

Nature-Based Homeschool Options

Curriculum – There are beautiful curriculum options for a secular nature-based homeschool curriculum. There are language arts, math, and of course, science curriculum options.

Nature Study – a study of the objects of nature such as birds, flowers, minerals, and weather.

Nature Study

There are many amazing books to get you started with nature studies in your homeschool. One of our favorite books is Nature Anatomy. It has beautiful imagines, information is presented in a way to grab a child’s attention and encourage them to continue to learn.

Nature study encourages investigation, a crucial concept of scientific study. Nature study is easy science. It requires no special equipment or books. Sure, you can use a magnifying glass or a field guide to enhance your study or go deeper, but it is not necessary. Just get outside and observe!

Some things you may want to carry with you outside include:

Nature-Based Homeschool Options

Nature-Based Curriculum

Here are some of the curricula that I found that are both nature-based, and secular.

You really don’t need anything fancy for nature-based homeschooling. Simply go outside and enjoy nature around you. Having a picnic is a great way to enjoy nature without making a formal plan, or going for a walk in the woods or park.

Enjoy spending time in nature with your kids.