Getting back into a homeschool routine isn’t easy after you have taken time off for any amount of time. Summer breaks tend to be the longest break of the year and sometimes you need a little boost to get back into the swing of things.

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Back to Homeschool Routine
Homeschool routines are not easy to get into, not easy to maintain, they just are not easy. But they bring some sense of order to my life, and I’m sure a number of other homeschooling families life which is why at this time of year we’re all looking for ways to get into a routine, to have a better routine.
Our Homeschool Routine
These are all things that I do by routine, I don’t have them written in my planner.
5:30 am – Get up. Ugh, I’m truly not a morning person so I must get up earlier than everyone else. I also exercise now.
6:20 am – Time for coffee and working on this site and scrolling through the Facebook time suck.
7 am – My kids are waking up slowly, getting breakfast, getting dressed, teeth and hair brushed slowly.
8 am – My kids are probably still doing all of the above, but I am still moving, vacuuming the floors, running the dishwasher, getting a load of laundry going.
9 am – Time to get started on school for the morning. I do have our plans for morning written in my planner – what pages of what books we’ll be reading etc.
How the rest of the day progresses from the point of starting school work depends on a lot of things. From how everyone is feeling, our moods, and anything else that you can think of.
10 am – If we are still doing school, we’ll break for a small walk to check the mail. This is our time to stretch our legs and take time to walk away and let our brains rest. Then if we have more to do we sit down with a snack and finish our work before lunch.

I’m being honest here. Some days this routine goes right out the window and nothing happens except I sit on my butt drinking coffee and probably reading a book because sometimes those kinds of days are needed.
Check Out these Homeschool Mom Routines

What Our 2017 Homeschool Schedule Looks like for Second Grade | How to Create a Good Morning Routine for Kids | Homeschooling Year Round: Why? | Creating A Homeschool Routine You can Stick With

Easy Return of the Homeschool Routine | Our Preschool & Kindergarten Homeschool Routine | How to Start a Homeschool Routine | Why I’ve Flipped Our Homeschool Routine

My Morning Routine | Homeschool Routines & Schedules | Why We Use a Homeschool Routine instead of a Schedule | A Homeschool Routine that Works with Young Children
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