Getting into A Homeschool Morning Routine

Without a morning routine, I would not have children. I mean it, I get up early, do a little workout, and drink coffee before they wake up. My morning routine saves us all! It just translates that my homeschool morning routine would be just as important to our homeschool.

Getting into A Homeschool Morning Routine

Getting into A Homeschool Morning Routine

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Now after four years of homeschooling, and having three to teach each day of our homeschool schedule, if I didn’t have a routine I would be in a mess everyday.

Homeschool Morning Routine Starts with an Alarm

Set an alarm on your phone, Momma.

Wake up at every morning (at least school mornings) at the same time each day. I get up at 5:30am. Ugh, I know just how early that is, and my kids don’t get up until 7am.

I can get in a 30 minute workout of some kind, make and drink some coffee, and get started on my to-do list before my kids get up. That is important for me, I need some quiet wake up time.

You definitely don’t have to get up that much earlier! Even 15 minutes might make a difference in your day. You can start by getting up 15 minutes earlier and slowly increase it to more too if you find you like having that time to yourself.

Homeschool morning routine

Planning Your Homeschool Morning Routine

I found and fell head over heels in love with my Happy Planner. The three sections each day are prefect for planning school, blog and anything else, like Story Time or gymnastic classes.

You can fancy it up with stickers, or stamps, or colored markers which is my favorite. Though I do also have a check-list stamp that I use as well.

Every morning I start on my blog to-do list, and then move on to make sure to have everyone’s school work ready for when they are ready to get started.

main course Recipes
Main Course Recipes

Meal Planning

Plan out meals ahead of time. Now, I am not that good at planning meals, but I sometimes do get my act together and plan out meals, breakfast and supper. One of those breakfasts that I like to make sometimes is Cinnamon Roll Baked Oatmeal. Something that you can make ahead of time and serve later.

I bought some inserts for my planner, including the meal planner, and I have been much more consistent about meal planning.


Don’t try to multi-tasking early in the morning. If you are only half doing things you are only going to get cranky and ruin your day. Have set things that you ope to get done before your children wake up in the morning. If could be: drink your coffee, unload the dishwasher, go for a walk, or take a shower.

Change It

If your routine isn’t working out for you, after giving it an honest attempt, change it up! Nothing is written in stone. Make your homeschool morning routine work for you. One great way to figure out what might work for you is to check out A Year of Living Productively. I have read it, and it has made a huge difference for me, even though I already though I was productive.

Resources for Your Morning Routine

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Homeschool morning routine