While we try to get our kids outside to run around and burn off energy as much as possible, sometimes Mother Nature doesn’t agree with that plan and we need to find other ways for them to be active. These get-moving YouTube channels are some you are going to want to check out, and subscribe to as Spring showers rain down on us.

Our 5 Favorite Get Moving YouTube Channels
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Being homeschoolers mean that we don’t have a PE class for our kids. We have to take care of that too, and hopefully wear the wiggles out of the little bodies for sit-down learning time. These YouTube channels are sure to get your kids moving, at the right times! and they’ll enjoy them too!
These are our favorite “get moving” YouTube channels, we love to choose one to do in the mornings before starting school. And of course, these are all available in Canada!
Cosmic Kids Yoga
This one is a favorite! I started yoga a couple of years ago and with my girls in gymnastics, yoga has become of interest to all three of them. Bonus the videos are super fun and interesting to kids such as a Frozen-based one.
These videos are both fun to get your kids moving and educational. There are about 50 videos.
where you will move, learn, dance, sing and most importantly have FUN.
Kids 20-minute workouts. These are great workouts that moms and kids can do together. I don’t know about your kids, but my love doing a workout with me.
GoNoodle videos get kids moving to be their strongest, bravest, silliest, smartest, best selves. Over 10 million kids each month are dancing, stretching, running, jumping, deep breathing, and wiggling.