Because homeschool moms have so much time on their hands, they are just begging to have something else to read or do, right? That’s kind of how I feel about reading books or blogs at times. Because I have so many other things on the go, I forget to sit down and read. But podcasts I can listen to anywhere.

10 Podcasts for Homeschoolers
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Over a year ago I discovered podcasts for homeschoolers. The first one I fell in love with was Pam Barnhills’, Homeschool Snapshots, which is of course listed below. I will listen to them occasionally when on the treadmill, gardening, or even just sitting and working on my computer.
One thing that I do want to bring to your attention before you listen to even one of these is – some have a religious aspect to them. Just like secular homeschooling blogs are slightly harder to find, secular homeschooling podcasts are even harder to find. I can turn a deaf ear on the religion, but I understand if you can’t.
Cultivating Grace – Homeschool experts and mom mentors will be here to share encouragement, tackle questions about homeschooling methods, learning styles, and help you cultivate a home and mom-life filled with learning and love. Every other Saturday.
Unschooling – Explore unschooling with Pam Laricchia, an unschooling mom and author. Enjoy in-depth interviews with veteran unschooling parents sharing their family’s experience, dig into a wide range of unschooling topics with experienced guests, and get answers to listener questions in the Q&A episodes.
The Homeschool Sanity Show – Dr. Melanie Wilson solves homeschoolers’ biggest headaches every Tuesday. You’ll also hear a teaching tip of the week, the organized homeschool challenge of the week, and other homeschoolers’ advice on the topic of the week.

The Homeschool Snapshots Podcast – The Homeschool Snapshots Podcast gives you a peek into what is going on in other homeschooling families across the country.
The Homeschool Solutions Show – Welcome to the Homeschool Solutions Show with Pam Barnhill where we bring you the best homeschool content on the web streaming straight to your earbuds every Friday.
Your Morning Basket – Truth, goodness, and beauty for your homeschool day.
Truth in the Trenches – A weekly podcast and hitting on multiple themes including parenting life, marriage life, homeschooling, faith, and even some blogging tips!
Real Life at Home Podcast – My favorite thing about this podcast is how short the episodes are, they are under 10 minutes. She says she is a thirty-something Catholic Convert, but she rarely talks about this aspect.

For Sure Secular Podcasts:
Savvy Homeschool Moms – I haven’t listened to many of this one, but they are good from those that I have listened to.
The Homeschool Sisters – They talk about real-life homeschooling, books, caffeine addiction, and surviving and thriving through these wonderful years.
Brave Writer Podcast – If you are looking for practical encouragement for your homeschool project, this season’s podcast is for you!
Thankyou for your secular podcast list, they are so hard to find! I’ve been listening to a fab secular mum and dad team @ ‘Homeschool Together’ on Spotify