Taking Homeschool Outside this Spring and Summer

Homeschooling changes quicker than the seasons change, but it also changes with the seasons here. Now that spring is here, we homeschool outside for the most part. For example, once winter hits and the ice rink is frozen, we get our school work done fast so we can head there. Now that the warmer temperature are here, well, things have changed again. These are some of our outdoor homeschool ideas that we enjoy during the warmer months.

Taking Homeschool Outside this Spring and Summer

Taking Homeschool Outside this Spring and Summer

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The weather is warm, the sun is shining bright, and who wants to be inside on such a nice day? Not me, and definitely not my children. There is nothing that says you have to be stuck inside in order to be homeschooling and or learning.

Reading Outside this Spring and Summer

Grab some books and a blanket and read. Either quietly to their/yourself, or out loud. These could be pleasure reading or reading textbooks for upcoming work.

Get creative on where you read, change it up. We recently started laying and sitting on the trampoline which is really comfortable. We also just received a lovely platform swing that is going to make a great reading spot.

Science Outside this Spring and Summer

Take science outside. Whether you are setting up a table and doing a science experiment outside or grabbing a magnifying glass and exploring your backyard. Take an up close look at some bugs or leaves, or even dirt.

Garden Outside this Spring and Summer

Planting and growing a garden is an amazing opportunity to learn. There is the plant life cycle to learn about, photosynthesis, the importance of bees, and so much more! Even at 5 my kids were understanding how plants grew, what they needed and why.

Plus, you get a delicious, healthy snack. It is a great way to encourage your children to eat healthy too.

Taking Homeschool Outside this Spring and Summer

Nature Study Outside this Spring and Summer

Under nature study there are a lot of things you can do, that is going to be fun and educational.


Nature journal.

Science again.

Do you take your homeschool outside once the weather turns warmer?

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