I have a little girl going into kindergarten (again) this year. I’m doing the same thing I did when Austin was starting school. We will be getting a new school outfit for the first day of school. I’ve also been reading our favorite kindergarten books.

First Day of Kindergarten Books Ideas
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I’m not looking forward to it to be honest for multiple reasons. I’m sure you can guess what they are:
- She’s growing way too fast.
- I’ll officially be homeschooling two kids.
First Day of Kindergarten Books Ideas
The first day of kindergarten is a big moment! We've been reading our favorite kindergarten books to get in the mood, and just to read.
Benny the Brave reminds Sarah that her worst-case fears are okay, and that she has the power to change these thoughts. She has the power to be BRAVE, and it just might be closer to find than she thinks.
This rhyming, brightly illustrated book is the perfect way to practice the alphabet and to introduce young children to kindergarten.
On the first day of kindergarten, there’s so much to do! From making new friends to jumping rope in gym to riding the bus to school, there are lots of exciting firsts to look forward to.
It’s the first day of Kindergarten and Leo isn’t at all ready. Leo is a quiet kid and would prefer to stay home. Over the summer, his new teacher, Ms. Perry sent a letter asking her students to think about how to show kindness in school.
This fun and informative book will show any child what to expect when they start school. Whether they are starting school for the first time, switching schools, or they just need a litter refresher after a long summer break, this book is a perfect addition to any library.
We are big Mercer Mayer fans here. They are easy for early readers.
Have you read any David books? They are fun to read and kids love to hear them. "David's teacher has her hands full."
I love this fun book. If Brookland were going to public school next month this would be her war cry! "The first day of kindergarten is finally here, and Henry can't wait to paint pictures, sing songs, and practice counting."
How much more "first day of kindergarten" is this? Or, you know the night before. A great bedtime story. "Twas the night before kindergarten, and as they prepared, kids were excited, and a little bit scared."
This is so cute! I remember what it was like to be going into older grades and hearing stories about them. "Just days before kindergarten, and this little girl has heard all there is to know--from a first grader."