Cold and Flu Season Essentials In Your Homeschool

The winter season is upon us, and with it comes cold and flu season. This is the time of year when we need to take extra care of ourselves and our families. This means I am stocking up on our cold essentials because someone will get one, and having lessons continue to keep you on schedule.


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Cold and Flu Season Essentials In Your Homeschool

I like to be prepared ahead of time for cold and flu season, with three kids there is a really good chance someone is going to get sick at some point. Moms take note, self-care is important to try and stay healthy yourself.

These are my essentials for a cold, as well as my flu essentials when our family starts sniffling and sneezing and feeling down.


From the time Austin had her first cold (at a very young) I started buying Puffs Plus Lotion. I won’t go back to cheaper tissues. When we have colds we try to get some Puffs Plus Lotion with Vicks.


From sore throats to coughs. The moment I feel a sore throat coming on I start drinking hot water with honey and lemon. It soothes and helps heal. I use honey in a hot cup of tea to add a little soothing sweetness to it.

Cold and Flu Season - honey on spoon

Vicks VapoRub

Oh how I love thee! I think Vicks VapoRub is part of the reason our kids don’t seem to get as sick as we do. The powerful long-lasting vapors start working in minutes to soothe coughs for easier breathing.

Hot Water

Hot shower or bath. Nothing soothes a sore, achy body like more water. The steam also helps open airways and sinuses.

We have two asthmatics (plus myself) here. A hot steamy shower is amazing when you are sick, especially when your chest feels heavy. You don’t have to take your child into the hot shower, just take them into the bathroom after a hot shower so they can get that steam.


Take naps, and lay back on the couch. Movie day with the family might just slow your younger ones down enough for you to rest.

Try turning a ret day into learning. Turn on some documentaries that will go along with your lessons. If nothing else, your kids will fall asleep and get some much-needed rest.

8 Essentials Cold and Flu Season


Whether you have fresh or canned, I find soup goes down the easiest. I’m not big on cooking while I’m sick, and no one should be eating food I’ve prepared while sneezing, coughing and my nose dripping.

But you can have soup makeup ahead of time in your freezer if you are looking for homemade soup.


Taking Tylenol can help to relieve sinus pressure headaches, and aches and pains. All the things that can keep you from getting the rest that you need to feel better.

There are many natural products available too if you don’t feel comfortable giving your children Tylenol for cold symptoms. I’d not comfortable reaching for “drugs” for every little ache and pain I have, and I’m not going to do the same for my kids.

Your Pillow

Simply raising your pillow can help a lot. Sleeping prompted up a bit with pillows can help you breathe a little easier and help with coughing. I usually sleep on the couch sitting up when I’m sick.


I keep a box of children’s and adult Gravol in our house at all times. Vomiting and diarrhea take a lot out of a person and a lot out of the parents trying to help their little ones feel better when they have the flu. And not to mention the amount of laundry you have to do.

Bonus- Neti Pot

P.S. I also love my Neti Pot! I just bought this one this afternoon as mine disappeared during our last move. I find a sinus cold never lasts as long when I use it.

Recommended Essential Products for the Flu

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