Do your kids have a passion for helping animals? A career as a veterinarian may be perfect for them! But before they head off to veterinary school, there are a few books for aspiring veterinarians they might want to have as they get started on their path.

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Books for Aspiring Veterinarians
If your child is passionate about animals and wants to help them, a career as a veterinarian might be for you. Becoming a veterinarian requires years of schooling and hard work, but it can be immensely rewarding. If you’re thinking about becoming a veterinarian, here are some books that can help you on your journey.
The training required is long and hard, but worth it.
There are a lot of books out there for aspiring veterinarians. It can be tough to decide which ones to read, but we’ve got you covered. Here are four great books for aspiring veterinarians that will help you on your journey to becoming a vet.
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You’ll notice that most of these books are in fact, coloring books. I feel like the hands-on, smaller attention to detail, allows for more time to take information that is in front of you or your kids.
Books for Aspiring Veterinarians
A career as a veterinarian may be perfect for them! But before you head off to veterinary school, there are a few books they might want to have as they get started on their path.
The Merck Veterinary Manual (MVM) covers all domesticated species and diseases in veterinary medicine worldwide.
Hundreds of color images enhance and illustrate the text. In addition to extensive revisions and updates, this edition includes a new section on public health and zoonoses, expanded coverage of fish and aquaculture, new chapters on backyard poultry, toxicologic workplace hazards, smoke inhalation, and additional coverage of numerous new and emerging topics in veterinary medicine.
Coloring animal & feline physiology and their systems are the most effective way to study the structure and functions of veterinary and cat anatomy. You assimilate information and make visual associations with key terminology when coloring in the Animal Anatomy Coloring Book, all while having fun!
The Color Atlas of Veterinary Anatomy presents a unique photographic record of dissections showing the topographical anatomy of the horse. With this book, you will be able to see the position and relationships of the bones, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and viscera that go to make up each region of the body and each organ system.
If you are looking for a book that presents a unique photographic record of dissections showing the topographical anatomy of the dog and cat: this is the atlas for you! With this book, you will be able to see the position and relationships of bones, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and viscera that go to make up each region of the body and each organ system.

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