10+ Fun Things to Do at Home During the Winter

We’re stuck at home. We are starting to get bored out of our minds. But there is so much to do that you could be doing instead of binge-watching Netflix. I’m not judging you for watching Netflix, I’m doing it too! I am also doing some of these 10+ activities for keeping busy at home too.

10+ Activities for Keeping Busy While at Home

10+ Fun Things to Do at Home During the Winter

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We are working on our house right now, and that is actually taking up 90% of our time. Like painting the fridge there are a lot of things that are needing updates and we are making the most of our time with my husband home to get them done.


Is there a book or better yet book series that you have been wanting to read but haven’t had the time? Now is that time. I have actually been re-reading through some of mine that I haven’t read in years.

Here are some book suggestions for each grade, find something for your kids to dive into and enjoy.

Cook and Bake

Instead of ordering out, make your meals at home. We always sit down to supper together as a family. My husband and I take turns making supper, maybe not switching back and forth every night but he still makes his share.

We also have our kids helping out in the kitchen and they love making snacks and desserts.

Game Night!

We don’t do this one enough. My kids love playing board games, and do so throughout the day, almost every day. Right now they are into playing checkers.

Learning Something New

Have you always wanted to learn how to crochet? YouTube is an amazing resource, and how I taught myself to crochet. Head over to Pinterest and find a beginner pattern you’d like to try and give it a go.

I found YouTube extremely helpful when I was first learning.

10+ Activities for Keeping Busy While at Home

Listen to a New Podcast

I go through the spurts of listening to podcasts. I normally like to listen while walking – on the treadmill or outside.

Learn a New Language

Maybe you can’t completely learn a new language during your time at home, but you can start learning and keep up with the practice once things begin to return to a sense of normal. Our library has access to some great online resources and yours may as well.

Travel, Virtually

Maybe make a travel bucket list! You don’t have to leave your computer to travel virtually right now. There are many, many places giving tours knowing that everyone is stuck at home.

Virtual Field Trips


My husband loves to build and woodwork. He is currently finishing up building a chicken coop out of reclaimed wood and trees he cut down. Then he is moving the crafting into the house.

The kids are using up every craft set, craft material, and thing that they can find.

Start a New Hobby

Our new hobby is chickens. We have 11 chicks growing really fast right now and just picked up quail chicks. And they are just the start of what is turning into a small homestead.


My kids started this, coloring in the living room, or their bedroom, and then I dug out my Where’s Waldo coloring book. I have been enjoying it, it’s a nice way to slow down and not think too much.


This has honestly been on the top of my to-do list since March! But the nicer weather is more incentive to go for a walk.

Create a bucket list

Create a bucket list of things you want to do. Some bucket list ideas could include:

  • for this summer once the stay-home order is lifted
  • for the remaining of this year
  • create a life bucket list and start checking things off
  • things you want to accomplish or experience with your kids while homeschooling

When you find something to do while you are staying safe at home, it makes it that much easier to stay home. Find something that makes you happy and helps you forget that you are “stuck” at home, but instead makes you enjoy being home.

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