Donut Fractions – Fun Math Center

This donut fractions math center is great for practicing and learning fractions. Math and donuts go together right? Or at least they definitely can and should. When you make math fun, everything is better.

donuts on the lower half of the image with printable samples on top with text overlay

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Make Math Fun

We’re mini donut crazy here. They are easy to make, and you can make so many different flavors – chocolate chip, birthday cake, and so many delicious more!

Math can be boring. And boring anything is going to be harder for anyone to learn, or even want to learn. That’s why I try to make learning fun for my kids no matter the subject. Donut math can be fun. With these donut fractions, you can have fun learning with your kids.

These are just another way to do fractions in the kitchen. You can make donuts and then work together on dividing them into fractions. Or putting the donuts back together.

Chocolate Chip Mini Donuts

Donut Fractions – Fun Math Center

What do you get with this math center?

  • examples of different fractions
  • different sets of donut fractions for students to fill in
  • donut fractions for creating your own fractions
  • and more!

You get a recipe for simple mini donuts as a bonus.

Print off the pages, and laminate for durability. Use Velcro on the loose pieces and then fill in circle pieces to help them stay in place while students work on them.

We like to make some mini donuts before we start these because then we eat donuts by taking fraction-sized bites out of them. We love to bake together, and we love snacks. Math, well, math is often a little more hit and miss in the love department.

You may also want to check out the donut writing and art set to include more subjects in your mini donut learning fun.

Thanks for reading!

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