10 Board Games for School Aged Children

This year I am making more of an effort to play more board games with my kids. In fact, every Wednesday afternoon we’ll be sitting down and playing a board game. I know it seems very specific, Wednesday afternoon, but we take Wednesdays off from school here. It’s a nice break in the middle of the week.

10 Board Games for School Aged Children

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10 Board Games for School-Aged Children

With this plan, we’ll have some fun, practice their reading and math skills as well as problem-solving skills and more, all the things that board games help your child practice.

Yes, some board games are easily educational. But the reality is, that most board games have some form of reading, or math, and logic that you can play and feel good about it.

Playing games doesn’t just have to be for kids. Join in the fun with them. Make it a family game night, or like us, a fun break from our daily homeschool schedule.

Board Games for School-Aged Children

We're making an effort to play more board games. They are the perfect way to practice skills in a fun way without any pressure on anyone.

10 Board Games for School Aged Children

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