This year I am making more of an effort to play more board games with my kids. In fact, every Wednesday afternoon we’ll be sitting down and playing a board game. I know it seems very specific, Wednesday afternoon, but we take Wednesdays off from school here. It’s a nice break in the middle of the week.

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10 Board Games for School-Aged Children
With this plan, we’ll have some fun, practice their reading and math skills as well as problem-solving skills and more, all the things that board games help your child practice.
Yes, some board games are easily educational. But the reality is, that most board games have some form of reading, or math, and logic that you can play and feel good about it.
Playing games doesn’t just have to be for kids. Join in the fun with them. Make it a family game night, or like us, a fun break from our daily homeschool schedule.
Board Games for School-Aged Children
We're making an effort to play more board games. They are the perfect way to practice skills in a fun way without any pressure on anyone.
The game's realistic naval crafts put you at the center of some seriously realistic action, and the convenient portable battle cases let you battle on the go. Launch one attack at a time or use the Battleship Salvo feature to make multiple strikes on your turn! Call your shot and fire in the classic combat of Battleship.
Get ready for classic Sorry. gameplay with an edge-of-your-seat race to home, so hurry up and get there first
In a race to deplete your hand, match one of your cards with the current card shown on top of the deck by either color or number.
Pop the dice in the Pop-O-Matic dice popper and see how far you can move! Race all four of your pegs around the game board, and head for your finish line as fast as you can!
Have a colorful ride In this game the pegs come in 6 different colors for players to pop friends and family into their car as they travel around the gameboard.
Apples To Apples is a hilarious comparison game where players are free to be totally subjective in deciding the outcome. Features two types of cards: Red Apple, which contains a noun phrase, and Green Apple, which contains an adjective.
Snap the trap and win at Mousetrap! Run through the maze as Sneakers Mouse, Nacho Mouse, or Pepper Mouse spins on the cheesy spinner. When one of your friends' mice is in the cheesy trap area and you land on the right space, you've got a chance to catch them in the zany trap.
The classic game of "What am I?" is now back with all-new cards, headbands, and art. It’s as easy as Pick, Place, Play! Pick your favorite headband (6 new themes to choose from!) and take a picture card without looking at the face of the card.
Carefully pull a wood block out of the tower and place it on top. It's easy at first, but as more blocks get pulled, the tower starts to get unsteady.
The Avalon Hill Risk Legacy board game features legacy gameplay with legacy mechanics. Players' decisions will change the gameboard forever: no 2 games will be the same.