Today as we stood in a smallish room with a bunch of school-agers I realized that we have been healthy for quite a while, not being in public school has reduced the cold and flu season in our home. I’m getting ready to battle the flu season now though, I hate to be caught off guard not living close to a store that is not always open.

Ready to Battle the Flu Season
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We want to avoid dehydration when the flu season brings vomiting and diarrhea. Gatorade can help to restore the body’s electrolyte balance. Drinking water of course at all times is important.
Tylenol / Advil
Fevers for me are a bit scary, my oldest and youngest both are always quick to spike and are hard to get down. We alternate between Tylenol and Advil, on advice from our family doctor in the past. Tylenol is a pain reliever and fever reducer. Advil is an anti-inflammatory, pain reliever, and fever reducer.
I always write down my kid’s temperature, what I gave them, and the time. Sometimes Advil sometimes brings their fever down more than Tylenol so I stick with what works. It’s all about doing what it takes to make our kids feel better. And ourselves as well!
Do I need to explain why I keep Gravol on hand? Slowing down the vomiting and diarrhea is important for keeping dehydration risk away.
Once anyone who had stopped vomiting, or maybe just feels like nibbling on something, they get crackers. Just try to stick to small amounts, a few at a time to prevent upsetting your stomach. Crackers or toast is great to take the edge off hunger when your stomach can’t handle much.
Arm and Hammer
Laundry detergent is a must. As soon as the first child starts vomiting (or parent) I start cleaning. At some point, I’m going to be washing bedsheets, and most likely three or more sets, one per child. Arm and Hammer is the only brand laundry detergent I buy, it’s amazing on kids’ dirty clothes!
In the past, we have pulled our kids’ mattresses off their beds and set them up in the living room. They get to watch TV all they want, fall asleep, and just be with family for snuggles while being comfortable. (Their mattress would get a protective cover on it.) This saves my furniture too in case of vomiting. An air mattress would work great too, and will probably be our choice when the flu hits here again as we are in a multi-level house now.