3 Ingredient Face Paint for Kids

When I was little my mom used to “paint” my face all the time, using Crayola markers. As far as I can remember they always washed off without a problem. I was also well behaved and never did it to myself. I wouldn’t use them on Brookland or she’d be covered all day, everyday. Instead I found a face paint that is easy to make and washes off quite easily.

Only three ingredients: Food color, lotion, cornstarch.

3 Ingredient Face Paint

Mix and paint.

3 Ingredient Face Paint

2 heaping teaspoons of cornstarch with 1 teaspoon of lotion, add food coloring of your choice.

3 Ingredient Face Paint

It makes a slightly thick but easily manageable face paint.

Because we used food color and they left it on for quite a few hours there was a light stain on their cheeks, not all that noticeable.

3 Ingredient Face Paint

I am not an artist. Painting on moving cheeks that belong to chatterboxes is not the easiest big applaud to those that create masterpieces on little faces.

3 Ingredient Face Paint

But I attempted to give them what they wanted and they, of course, were happy that they got their faces painted.