Bath time is one of those things that can go either way: either they love it or they hate it. I’ve been lucky that my kids have always loved it so this homemade bath paint recipe is just a bonus fun around here.

Homemade Bath Paint Recipe
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It is simple to make, you probably have everything you need already in your house. You have the most important one: baby wash!
My favorite part is that since my kids love to paint themselves, they are cleaning themselves at the same time, win-win.
- 5 tbsp of corn starch
- 1/2 cup of body wash
- food coloring

Simply mix 5 tbsp of cornstarch and 1/2 cup of baby wash together.
It makes a foam-like texture.

You can mix the food color directly into the mix when you are making it, then you are limited to one color. Or you can break the recipe down to make larger amounts of each color.
I divided it into 9 different colors, in this case using a foam egg carton.

The hardest thing about all this was mixing in the food color in such a small space. I used toothpicks to mix them up and only poked one hole through the foam. Not too bad.
I admit I was nervous about the food coloring, I didn’t want a purple child getting out of the tub, nor did I want a purple tub. But no worries, it is all cleaned up easily, the bath paint cleans up from the tub and tub surround like a dream, I simply used our hand shower to wash it all off.

I miss when my kids were this young and enjoyed painting and making a mess all over my bathroom. They grew up way too fast.