There are now dozens of secular homeschooling websites, offering everything from curriculum advice to support groups to printable resources. This means that there is something out there for every family. These are some great secular homeschooling websites that I have found in my search for free online resources for homeschooling on a budget.

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FREE Secular Homeschooling Websites
As a homeschooling parent, you always want to find the best resources for your child. But what if you’re on a tight budget?
If you don’t want to spend any money on secular homeschooling websites, and I get it because I have a hard time spending money on online resources, what if my kids lose interest? Here are five that are completely free!
Secular Multi-Subject Sites
Khan Academy – Students practice at their own pace, first filling in gaps in their understanding and then accelerating their learning. Students practice at their own pace, first filling in gaps in their understanding and then accelerating their learning.
NeoK12 – NeoK12 believes that kids learn best when they ‘see’ how things work, when, where, and why they happen. Watching educational videos and animations is a great way to learn.
CK12 – Was founded with the mission to enable everyone to learn in his or her own way. Also, assign CK-12 resources and see progress within your class on Google.
Cookie – child experts and educators design interactive online games for kids. Our learning games for kids help in building skills needed for success in school.
BBC Bitesize – You’ll find lessons in Maths, English, Science, History, Geography, and more throughout the school year.
Secular Language Arts
Vocabulary Spelling City – Build on classroom learning / improve school readiness. Encourage accountability & independent study when practicing spelling words.
Secular Math
Math in English – different name, but great options. They have games online, workbooks you can download, word problems, and more. Grades 1-6.
AAAMath – AAA Math features a comprehensive set of thousands of interactive arithmetic lessons.
Secular Science
MSNucleus – science MaTe Reference Curriculum can help schools and teachers use their research to see how to level materials at appropriate grade levels
NASA – Full of information, plus worksheets, posters, and more. We love their YouTube channel as well.
Annenburg Learner – So many different resources here.
Chem4Kids – It’s not just for kids, it’s for everyone. If you are looking for basic chemistry help and information, stay on this site.
Young Scientist Club – Bring the science of everyday life into your classroom with these custom teacher resources that will keep your students entertained, engaged, and working towards exciting new science solutions.

Secular Social Studies
History is not secular. So I cannot say that you will not find religion in one or more of these sites.
Smithsonian’s History Explorer – LOVE this site. There are lessons are laid out, and it even gives you the estimated time it will take to cover.
Finding free, Canadian social studies websites is not easy. I’m still searching for those.
Website Updates:
Resources changes and some sites may decide to start charging, I’ll try to keep this list updated with that information as well as add to this list.