We have the ability to have Google Home devices in any room of our house, giving us access to more information than we thought we could use.
Why not use the technology available to us in our homeschool?
Having a small device that can answer random questions that pop up has been great.
Two things to teach your children are the most important, all commands start with either “Hey Google” or “OK Google”, and they need to speak clearly.
With a bit of prompting and practice, even young kids can use Google Home and Google Assistant independently.
– “Ok Google, spell ________.” – “Hey Google, what’s ___ x ___?” – “Okay Google, what’s the capital of ________?” – “Hey Google, how far away is the sun?” – “Okay Google, tell us a joke.” – “Hey Google, what’s the weather forecast?”
If you don’t have a Google Home, you can test this by opening the Google Home app and clicking the speaker icon in the bottom-middle of the screen.