Create Your Secular Homeschool Curriculum

Gray Frame Corner

Finding a secular homeschool curriculum that meets with every single requirement that you are looking for can seem impossible. Not to mention over budget.

Why not create your own homeschool curriculum? You are a homeschool mom, you have the skills to do this.

White Frame Corner

List what you want to cover for social studies, science, history, language arts, and whatever other subjects you may want to cover.

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Step 1: Decide on what you want your child to learn.

Step 2: Breaking everything done. For example: you are going to homeschool for 36 weeks in the year. That would be roughly six weeks per continental study if you wanted to give each the same amount of time.

Step 2: Breaking everything down. For example, you are going to homeschool for 36 weeks in the year. That would be roughly six weeks per continental study if you wanted to give each the same amount of time.

Gray Frame Corner
Gray Frame Corner

Step 3: Create Sub-topics.

I would want to cover specifics about each such as foods, and traditions, and customs.

The curriculum timeline is the order in which topics will be taught.  Sometimes there is a natural progression, but other times you have a lot of flexibility.

Step 4: Create a timeline.

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White Frame Corner

I use our library for 95% of our homeschool resources. YouTube is a great resource, as are the streaming services available now. Museums, science centers and such are amazing field trips opportunities.

Step 5: Finding resources.

We often read or watch something and then have a discussion about it.

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Step 6: Decide on learning methods.